Sunday, November 27, 2016

Net Smart - a review by Jim

Net Smart: How to thrive online by Howard Rheingold.

       Net Smart by Howard Rheingold is a great follow up book to The Information Diet that we read early this semester. While The Information Diet book was a flashing road-sign making us aware of our information consumption and how to be aware of what we are consuming, Net Smart is the road-map to help us navigate the social media landscape with thought, thoughtfulness of others, and how to do it mindfully. Social media is here to stay and if we want to thrive in a world that combines our physical actions with our online lives then we need to know how to put into practice living mindfully in cyberspace.
Rheingold cover five digital literacies we should master. They are: attention, crap detection, participation power, collaboration, and networks. The first chapter covers the why and how to control your attention, your mind’s most powerful instrument, online. Are we captains or captives of our attention muscles? Attention, like a muscle can be strengthened and Rheingold gives us ways to do that including meditation. Who knew that following your breathing could help in our online lives. The second chapter covers crap-detection, how to find what you need to know and how to decide if it’s true. Parsing the validity of online information in today’s volatile online culture is of extreme importance, especially with our youth. I came across this article on this week that points out our need to teach our youth this important skill:

       The third chapter covers how we should be participating in the online universe. How this medium allows the free-flow of information, knowledge and ideas and how it can increase our overall collaborative intelligence.
        The forth chapter expands on our collaborative intelligence and how we can tap into it’s power by using crowd-sourcing or online forums to solve problems that we could not come up with the answers on our own.
       The fifth chapter is a natural extension of all of that collaborative work, networks, the power of human and technological networks. We as humans are inherently social creatures and online networks are a mirror of our need to connect and bridge the gaps between ourselves and how that feeling of interconnected-ness enhances our ability to thrive, in the physical world as well as online. 
       The last chapter cohesively wraps up the previous chapters and extolls us to use the web mindfully by giving us a checklist, or guideposts to helps us find our way. 
       In thinking of what I’ve learned from Net Smart and how it might impact my practice of teaching, I am eager to teach my students how to flex their crap-detection muscles or, after reading that article, how to get them in shape to begin with. I think these are the hidden skills that we take for granted, as we’ve had years of experience in detecting truth from falsehoods, fiction, embellished fish-tales, and even agenda driven information. This book is one I will read again and keep with me to reference from time to time. It’s such a goldmine of a road-map.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Copyright Clarity

How Fair Use Supports Digital Learning

                In Renee Hobbs’ book Copyright Clarity: How Fair Use Supports Digital Learning we learn that there is a lot of misinformation in schools when it comes to copyright law. Hobbs describes three types of understanding of copyright laws by educators;
See No Evil - teachers who believe they can use any material for any purpose, ignorance (of copyright law) is bliss.
Close the door – when teachers & students are discouraged from sharing their work outside of the school building.
Hyper-comply – when teachers are fearful of copyright law and far more restrictive than the actual law states.
This misunderstanding of the copyright law by educators hinders the quality of materials produced by teachers and students.
            Hobbs expands on two points to clarify the confusion over copyright law. First, most people believe that copyright law is there solely to protect the owners’ rights for profit and control. When in reality the U.S. Constitutions says that promoting the spread of knowledge and innovation are the purpose of copyright. This provision of intellectual property rights was included in our Constitution because our Founders believed that a free society would benefit from encouraging the development of new ideas and information. Second is the power of fair use. Fair use of a copyright is not an infringement of copyright, but there are certain factors involved when determining fair use;
                     The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purpose;
                     the nature of the copyrighted work;
                     the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
                     the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
All this to say that each individual case is going to be different and a blanket statement won’t cover it, fair use requires reasoning and judgement. Hobb says it best here: “It is designed to ensure that the concept of fair use is responsive to the wide variety of contexts in which people use other people’s copyrighted work in the development of their own work.”
            Another helpful point Hobbs makes is understanding transformative use. If a copyrighted material is used in a transformative way, taking a film clip, or music clip, art, whatever and transforming it’s intended use, in our case as educators using it in a lesson and not using it how the creators intended to use it, we are using it in a way that fair use intended, including different concepts of audience, meaning and interpretation. This is not to say we can use a checklist and think we are not infringing upon a copyright, but that with understanding fair use and transfromativeness in our educator roles we can better determine how to use copyrighted materials.
            I think ‘Copyright Clarity’ is a book every educator should read. It does clarify the confusion over copyright law and gives me as an educator a confidence in interpreting copyright law. I think that confidence will impact my practice by allowing me to more confidently use reason and judgement when using copyrighted material to help the society around me (my school) by encouraging the development of new ideas and information. I also see a whole lesson on clarifying copyright law for my students in high-school. Copyright law is a benefit to creators and users and we should be appreciative of a law that actually not only protects our intellectual properties but also encourages sharing of information and ideas to benefit the society as a whole.